Turisme de l'ONU i el Marroc reforcen la inversió per impulsar el sector dels viatges

Dilluns, febrer 3, 2025


UN Tourism has deepened its partnership with Marroc, reinforcing the country’s leading position in Africa’s tourism industry.

In 2024, Morocco welcomed 17.4 milions de turistes internacionals, un Un 20% més que l'any anterior, convertint-lo en el most-visited country in Africa.

This rapid growth highlights Morocco’s importància estratègica in global tourism, attracting investment in infrastructure, innovation, and sustainable tourism development.

As the country prepares for major international events such as the Copa del Món de la FIFA 2030 i AFCON 2025, its tourism sector is poised for continued expansion.

UN Tourism Launches Morocco Investment Guide

To support Morocco’s long-term tourism investment strategy, UN Tourism introduced the “Tourism Doing Business – Investing in Morocco” guide. This initiative aims to:

D'acord amb Morocco’s Ministry of Tourism (, the country received $2.2 billion in tourism-related FDI between 2014 and 2023, al costat $2.6 billion in Greenfield investments. This influx of capital has positioned Morocco as a destinació competitiva per a inversors internacionals.

Technology and Innovation Drive Growth

UN Tourism’s visit to Rabat also focused on digital transformation and tourism innovation. Executive Director Natalia Bayona delivered a keynote speech on global tourism tech trends, emphasizing Morocco’s role in shaping the future of smart and sustainable travel.

La National Tourism Startup Competition, recolzat per la Moroccan Agency for Tourism Development (SMIT), showcased 137 innovative startups, with winners recognized for their contributions to sustainability, digital travel solutions, and unique visitor experiences:

These startups highlight Morocco’s growing tourism tech ecosystem, supporting the country’s transition toward smart and eco-friendly tourism solutions.

Morocco to Host UN Tourism’s Thematic Office for Africa

Further solidifying its continental leadership, Morocco has signed an agreement with UN Tourism to establish a Oficina Temàtica de Turisme de l'ONU per a l'Àfrica. This office will:

D'acord amb Morocco’s Ministry of Economy and Finance, el país political stability, business-friendly policies, and expanding tourism industry fer-ne un ideal destination for global investors.

Looking Ahead: Morocco’s Tourism Future

Amb major global events approaching, Incloent el Copa del Món de la FIFA 2030 i AFCON 2025, Morocco is investing heavily in infrastructure, digitalization, and eco-tourism. These developments align with the country’s Estratègia Visió 2030, which prioritizes:

As Morocco continues its rapid rise in global tourism rankings, el seu strategic investments and partnerships with UN Tourism ensure that the country remains a top destination for travelers and investors alike.

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